

This generates configuration for buildbot-slave and init scripts to start each project. This generates one buildbot-slave for each project


To add project create file .project.in and fill values

  • buildmaster_port

    Port on which buildbot master listens for connections from slaves

  • password

    password slave will use to log in to master.

  • buildmaster_host

    host or ip where buildbot master is

  • arch

    Space separated list of architectures project should be tested on. If set to 'all' project will be tested on all supported architectures. List of architectures can be found at the beginning of gen-packages.sh

To add or remove architecture, modify variable all_archs in gen-packages.sh

Call make to generate opkg files. Call make clan to clean up directory of generated files


Michał Łyszczek michal.lyszczek@bofc.pl