/* ========================================================================== Licensed under BSD 2clause license. See LICENSE file for more information Author: Michał Łyszczek ========================================================================== */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if ENABLE_THREADS # include # include # include # include #endif #if HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H # include #endif #include "mtest.h" #include "rb.h" #define TEST_BUFFER 0 #define TEST_FD_FILE 1 #define MULTI_CONSUMERS 0 #define MULTI_PRODUCERS 1 struct tdata { struct rb *rb; unsigned char *data; int fd; int len; int objsize; size_t buflen; int test_type; }; struct multi_data { struct rb *rb; const char *pipe; int fd; int objsize; }; static int t_rblen; static int t_readlen; static int t_writelen; static int t_objsize; static int t_multi_test_type; static int multi; static int t_num_producers; static int t_num_consumers; static unsigned char data[250]; static unsigned int multi_index; static volatile unsigned int multi_index_count; mt_defs(); #if ENABLE_THREADS static pthread_mutex_t multi_mutex; static pthread_mutex_t multi_mutex_count; static void *consumer(void *arg) { struct tdata *data = arg; size_t r = 0; while (r != data->buflen) { size_t left = data->buflen - r; left = left < data->len ? left : data->len; r += rb_read(data->rb, data->data + r * data->objsize, left); } return data; } static void *producer_file(void *arg) { struct tdata *data = arg; size_t w = 0; while (w != data->buflen) { size_t left = data->buflen - w; left = left < data->len ? left : data->len; w += rb_posix_write(data->rb, data->fd, left); } return data; } static void *producer(void *arg) { struct tdata *data = arg; size_t w = 0; while (w != data->buflen) { size_t left = data->buflen - w; left = left < data->len ? left : data->len; w += rb_write(data->rb, data->data + w * data->objsize, left); } return data; } static void *consumer_file(void *arg) { struct tdata *data = arg; size_t r = 0; while (r != data->buflen) { size_t left = data->buflen - r; left = left < data->len ? left : data->len; r += rb_posix_read(data->rb, data->fd, left); } return data; } static void *multi_producer(void *arg) { struct multi_data *d = arg; struct rb *rb = d->rb; int fd = d->fd; unsigned int index; index = 0; for (;;) { if (fd == -1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&multi_mutex); index = multi_index++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&multi_mutex); if (index >= rb_array_size(data)) { return NULL; } if (d->objsize == 1) { unsigned char i = index; rb_write(rb, &i, 1); } else { rb_write(rb, &index, 1); } } else { if (rb_posix_write(rb, fd, 1) == -1) { int *e = malloc(sizeof(int)); *e = errno; return e; } } } } static void *multi_pipe_producer(void *arg) { struct multi_data *d = arg; struct rb *rb = d->rb; unsigned char index; int fd; #if defined(__OpenBSD__) fd = open(d->pipe, O_RDWR); #else fd = open(d->pipe, O_WRONLY); #endif for (;;) { pthread_mutex_lock(&multi_mutex); index = multi_index++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&multi_mutex); if (index >= rb_array_size(data)) { close(fd); return NULL; } write(fd, &index, 1); } } static void *multi_consumer(void *arg) { struct multi_data *d = arg; struct rb *rb = d->rb; int fd = d->fd; unsigned int index; for (;;) { int overflow; if (fd == -1) { long ret; if (d->objsize == 1) { unsigned char i; ret = rb_read(rb, &i, 1); index = i; } else { ret = rb_read(rb, &index, 1); } if (ret == -1) { /* * force exit received */ return NULL; } overflow = index >= rb_array_size(data); if (overflow) { continue; } data[index] = 1; pthread_mutex_lock(&multi_mutex_count); ++multi_index_count; pthread_mutex_unlock(&multi_mutex_count); } else { if (rb_posix_read(rb, fd, 1) == -1) { /* * force exit received */ int *e = malloc(sizeof(int)); *e = errno; return e; } } } return NULL; } static void *multi_pipe_consumer(void *arg) { struct multi_data *d = arg; struct rb *rb = d->rb; unsigned char index; int fd; #if defined(__OpenBSD__) fd = open(d->pipe, O_RDWR); #else fd = open(d->pipe, O_RDONLY); #endif for (;;) { unsigned int overflow; struct timeval tv; fd_set fds; int sact; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 1000; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(fd, &fds); sact = select(fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (sact == -1) { perror("select()"); close(fd); return NULL; } if (sact == 0) { pthread_mutex_lock(&multi_mutex_count); index = multi_index_count; pthread_mutex_unlock(&multi_mutex_count); if (index >= rb_array_size(data)) { /* * we have consumed all there was to consume */ close(fd); return NULL; } continue; } index = 0; if (read(fd, &index, 1) == -1) { perror("read()"); close(fd); return NULL; } overflow = index >= rb_array_size(data); if (overflow) { continue; } data[index] = 1; pthread_mutex_lock(&multi_mutex_count); ++multi_index_count; pthread_mutex_unlock(&multi_mutex_count); } } static void multi_producers_consumers(void) { pthread_t *cons; pthread_t *prod; struct multi_data tdata; unsigned int i, r; int count; multi_index = 0; multi_index_count = 0; count = 0; memset(data, 0, sizeof(data)); cons = malloc(t_num_consumers * sizeof(*cons)); prod = malloc(t_num_producers * sizeof(*prod)); tdata.rb = rb_new(8, sizeof(unsigned int), O_MULTITHREAD); tdata.fd = -1; tdata.objsize = sizeof(unsigned int); pthread_mutex_init(&multi_mutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&multi_mutex_count, NULL); for (i = 0; i != t_num_consumers; ++i) { pthread_create(&cons[i], NULL, multi_consumer, &tdata); } for (i = 0; i != t_num_producers; ++i) { pthread_create(&prod[i], NULL, multi_producer, &tdata); } /* * wait until all indexes has been consumed */ while (count < rb_array_size(data)) { int buf[16]; pthread_mutex_lock(&multi_mutex_count); count = multi_index_count; pthread_mutex_unlock(&multi_mutex_count); /* * while waiting, we randomly peek into rb, and to make sure, * peeking won't make a difference */ rb_recv(tdata.rb, buf, rand() % 16, MSG_PEEK); } rb_stop(tdata.rb); for (i = 0; i != t_num_consumers; ++i) { pthread_join(cons[i], NULL); } for (i = 0; i != t_num_producers; ++i) { pthread_join(prod[i], NULL); } rb_destroy(tdata.rb); for (r = 0, i = 0; i < rb_array_size(data); ++i) { r += (data[i] != 1); } mt_fail(r == 0); if (r != 0) { printf("num_consumers = %d, num_producers = %d\n", t_num_consumers, t_num_producers); } free(cons); free(prod); pthread_mutex_destroy(&multi_mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&multi_mutex_count); } static void multi_file_consumer_producer(void) { pthread_t *prod; pthread_t *cons; pthread_t pipet; struct multi_data prod_data; struct multi_data cons_data; struct multi_data pipe_data; struct rb *rb; int fd; unsigned int i, r; int count; multi_index = 0; multi_index_count = 0; count = 0; memset(data, 0, sizeof(data)); unlink("./rb-test-fifo"); mkfifo("./rb-test-fifo", 0777); rb = rb_new(8, 1, O_MULTITHREAD); pthread_mutex_init(&multi_mutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&multi_mutex_count, NULL); prod_data.objsize = 1; cons_data.objsize = 1; pipe_data.objsize = 1; if (multi == MULTI_CONSUMERS) { /* * +-cons-+ * / \ * +------+ +------+ * prod --> | rb |---cons---| pipe | --> pipet * +------+ +------+ * \ / * +-cons-+ */ prod = malloc(sizeof(*prod)); cons = malloc(t_num_consumers * sizeof(*cons)); pipe_data.pipe = "./rb-test-fifo"; pthread_create(&pipet, NULL, multi_pipe_consumer, &pipe_data); prod_data.rb = rb; prod_data.fd = -1; pthread_create(prod, NULL, multi_producer, &prod_data); cons_data.rb = rb; #if defined(__OpenBSD__) cons_data.fd = open("./rb-test-fifo", O_RDWR); #else cons_data.fd = open("./rb-test-fifo", O_WRONLY); #endif for (i = 0; i != t_num_consumers; ++i) { pthread_create(&cons[i], NULL, multi_consumer, &cons_data); } } else { prod = malloc(t_num_producers * sizeof(*prod)); cons = malloc(sizeof(*cons)); pipe_data.pipe = "./rb-test-fifo"; pthread_create(&pipet, NULL, multi_pipe_producer, &pipe_data); cons_data.rb = rb; cons_data.fd = -1; pthread_create(cons, NULL, multi_consumer, &cons_data); prod_data.rb = rb; #if defined(__OpenBSD__) prod_data.fd = open("./rb-test-fifo", O_RDWR); #else prod_data.fd = open("./rb-test-fifo", O_RDONLY); #endif for (i = 0; i != t_num_producers; ++i) { pthread_create(&prod[i], NULL, multi_producer, &prod_data); } } while(count < rb_array_size(data)) { int buf[16]; pthread_mutex_lock(&multi_mutex_count); count = multi_index_count; pthread_mutex_unlock(&multi_mutex_count); rb_recv(rb, buf, rand() % 16, MSG_PEEK); } rb_stop(rb); if (multi == MULTI_CONSUMERS) { for (i = 0; i != t_num_consumers; ++i) { int *r; pthread_join(cons[i], (void **)&r); mt_fail(*r == ECANCELED); free(r); } pthread_join(*prod, NULL); pthread_join(pipet, NULL); close(cons_data.fd); } else { pthread_join(*cons, NULL); pthread_join(pipet, NULL); for (i = 0; i != t_num_producers; ++i) { int *r; pthread_join(prod[i], (void **)&r); mt_fail(*r == ECANCELED); free(r); } close(prod_data.fd); } rb_destroy(rb); for (r = 0, i = 0; i < rb_array_size(data); ++i) { r += data[i] != 1; } mt_fail(r == 0); free(cons); free(prod); pthread_mutex_destroy(&multi_mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&multi_mutex_count); } static void multi_thread(void) { pthread_t cons; pthread_t prod; pthread_t cons_file; pthread_t prod_file; size_t buflen = t_readlen > t_writelen ? t_readlen : t_writelen; unsigned char *send_buf = malloc(t_objsize * buflen); unsigned char *recv_buf = malloc(t_objsize * buflen); size_t i; int rc; int fd = -1; int fd2 = -1; struct rb *rb; struct rb *rb2; struct tdata consdata; struct tdata proddata; static unsigned long c; c++; for (i = 0; i != t_objsize * buflen; ++i) { send_buf[i] = i; recv_buf[i] = 0; } rb = rb_new(t_rblen, t_objsize, O_MULTITHREAD); proddata.data = send_buf; proddata.len = t_writelen; proddata.objsize = t_objsize; proddata.rb = rb; proddata.buflen = buflen; proddata.fd = -1; consdata.data = recv_buf; consdata.len = t_readlen; consdata.objsize = t_objsize; consdata.rb = rb; consdata.buflen = buflen; consdata.fd = -1; if (t_multi_test_type == TEST_FD_FILE) { fd2 = open("./rb-test-file", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644); fd = open("./rb-test-file", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644); if (fd < 0 || fd2 < 0) { perror("open"); mt_assert(0); } proddata.fd = fd; consdata.fd = fd2; rb2 = rb_new(t_rblen, t_objsize, O_MULTITHREAD); consdata.rb = rb2; pthread_create(&cons_file, NULL, consumer_file, &proddata); pthread_create(&prod_file, NULL, producer_file, &consdata); } pthread_create(&cons, NULL, consumer, &consdata); pthread_create(&prod, NULL, producer, &proddata); pthread_join(cons, NULL); pthread_join(prod, NULL); if (t_multi_test_type == TEST_FD_FILE) { pthread_join(cons_file, NULL); pthread_join(prod_file, NULL); rb_destroy(rb2); } rc = memcmp(send_buf, recv_buf, t_objsize * buflen); mt_fail(rc == 0); if (rc) { printf("[%lu] a = %lu, b = %d, c = %d, d = %d\n", c, buflen, t_rblen, t_readlen, t_writelen); }; close(proddata.fd); close(consdata.fd); rb_destroy(rb); free(send_buf); free(recv_buf); } static void multithread_eagain(void) { char s[6] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; char d[6]; struct rb *rb; rb = rb_new(4, 1, O_MULTITHREAD | O_NONBLOCK); rb_write(rb, s, sizeof(s)); mt_ferr(rb_write(rb, s, sizeof(s)), EAGAIN); rb_read(rb, d, sizeof(d)); mt_ferr(rb_read(rb, d, sizeof(d)), EAGAIN); rb_destroy(rb); } #endif static void multithread_flag(void) { struct rb *rb; rb = rb_new(4, 1, O_MULTITHREAD); #if ENABLE_THREADS mt_assert(rb != NULL); rb_destroy(rb); #else mt_assert(rb == NULL); mt_assert(errno == ENOSYS); #endif } static void nonblocking_flag(void) { struct rb *rb; char s[6] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; char e[3] = {0, 1, 2}; char d[6]; int r; #if ENABLE_THREADS rb = rb_new(4, 1, O_NONBLOCK | O_MULTITHREAD); r = rb_write(rb, s, sizeof(s)); mt_fail(r == 3); r = rb_read(rb, d, sizeof(d)); mt_fail(r == 3); mt_fok(memcmp(d, e, sizeof(e))); rb_destroy(rb); memset(d, 0, sizeof(d)); #endif rb = rb_new(4, 1, 0); r = rb_write(rb, s, sizeof(s)); mt_fail(r == 3); r = rb_read(rb, d, sizeof(d)); mt_fail(r == 3); mt_fok(memcmp(d, e, sizeof(e))); rb_destroy(rb); } static void singlethread_eagain(void) { char s[6] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; char d[6]; struct rb *rb; rb = rb_new(4, 1, 0); rb_write(rb, s, sizeof(s)); mt_ferr(rb_write(rb, s, sizeof(s)), EAGAIN); rb_read(rb, d, sizeof(d)); mt_ferr(rb_read(rb, d, sizeof(d)), EAGAIN); rb_destroy(rb); } #if ENABLE_THREADS && ENABLE_POSIX_CALLS static void *client(void *arg) { struct sockaddr_in saddr; int fd; const int max_timeout = 5; int timeout_count; memset(&saddr, 0x00, sizeof(saddr)); saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(0x7f000001ul); /* */ saddr.sin_family = AF_INET; saddr.sin_port = htons(*(unsigned short *)arg); if ((fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0) { perror("socket()"); return NULL; } for (timeout_count = 0;;) { if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, sizeof(saddr)) != 0) { if (errno == ECONNREFUSED) { continue; } if (errno == ETIMEDOUT) { if (timeout_count++ < max_timeout) { fprintf(stderr, "connect timed out, again\n"); continue; } } perror("connect()"); close(fd); return NULL; } break; } if (write(fd, "msg", 3) != 3) { perror("write()"); close(fd); return NULL; } close(fd); return NULL; } static void socket_disconnect(void) { struct sockaddr_in saddr; struct rb *rb; int sfd; int cfd; pthread_t client_t; unsigned short port; rb = rb_new(16, 1, O_MULTITHREAD); while ((port = rand() & 0xffff) < 10000); memset(&saddr, 0x00, sizeof(saddr)); saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(0x7f000001ul); /* */ saddr.sin_family = AF_INET; saddr.sin_port = htons(port); if ((sfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { perror("socket()"); mt_assert(0); } if (bind(sfd, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, sizeof(saddr)) != 0) { perror("bind()"); close(sfd); mt_assert(0); } if (listen(sfd, 1) != 0) { perror("listen()"); close(sfd); mt_assert(0); } pthread_create(&client_t, NULL, client, &port); if ((cfd = accept(sfd, NULL, NULL)) < 0) { perror("accept()"); close(sfd); mt_assert(0); } mt_fail(rb_posix_write(rb, cfd, 6) == 3); mt_fail(rb_posix_write(rb, cfd, 6) == 0); pthread_join(client_t, NULL); rb_destroy(rb); close(sfd); } #endif static void invalid_read_write(void) { } static void invalid_stop(void) { struct rb *rb; rb = rb_new(4, 1, 0); mt_ferr(rb_stop(rb), EINVAL); rb_destroy(rb); } static void peeking(void) { struct rb *rb; int v[8]; int d[8]; int i; for (i = 0; i != rb_array_size(v); ++i) { d[i] = i; } memset(v, 0, sizeof(v)); mt_assert(rb = rb_new(8, sizeof(int), 0)); rb_write(rb, d, 4); rb_recv(rb, v, 2, MSG_PEEK); mt_fail(v[0] == 0); mt_fail(v[1] == 1); mt_fail(v[2] == 0); mt_fail(v[3] == 0); memset(v, 0, sizeof(v)); rb_recv(rb, v, 6, MSG_PEEK); mt_fail(v[0] == 0); mt_fail(v[1] == 1); mt_fail(v[2] == 2); mt_fail(v[3] == 3); mt_fail(v[4] == 0); mt_fail(v[5] == 0); /* * now with overlaped memory */ memset(v, 0, sizeof(v)); mt_fail(rb_discard(rb, 7) == 4); rb_write(rb, d, 6); rb_recv(rb, v, 6, MSG_PEEK); mt_fail(v[0] == 0); mt_fail(v[1] == 1); mt_fail(v[2] == 2); mt_fail(v[3] == 3); mt_fail(v[4] == 4); mt_fail(v[5] == 5); memset(v, 0, sizeof(v)); rb_recv(rb, v, 6, MSG_PEEK); mt_fail(v[0] == 0); mt_fail(v[1] == 1); mt_fail(v[2] == 2); mt_fail(v[3] == 3); mt_fail(v[4] == 4); mt_fail(v[5] == 5); rb_destroy(rb); } static void single_thread(void) { size_t read; size_t written; size_t buflen = t_readlen > t_writelen ? t_readlen : t_writelen; unsigned long writelen = t_writelen; unsigned long readlen = t_readlen; unsigned char *send_buf = malloc(t_objsize * buflen); unsigned char *recv_buf = malloc(t_objsize * buflen); struct rb *rb; static unsigned long c; size_t i; int rc; c++; for (i = 0; i != t_objsize * buflen; ++i) { send_buf[i] = i; recv_buf[i] = 0; } rb = rb_new(t_rblen, t_objsize, 0); written = 0; read = 0; while (written != buflen || read != buflen) { if (written != buflen) { long w; if (written + writelen > buflen) { writelen = buflen - written; } w = rb_write(rb, send_buf + written * t_objsize, writelen); if (w == -1) { break; } written += w; } if (read != buflen) { long r; if (read + readlen > buflen) { readlen = buflen - read; } r = rb_read(rb, recv_buf + read * t_objsize, readlen); if (r == -1) { break; } read += r; } } rc = memcmp(send_buf, recv_buf, buflen * t_objsize); mt_fail(rc == 0); if (rc) { printf("[%lu] a = %lu, b = %d, c = %d, d = %d\n", c, buflen, t_rblen, t_readlen, t_writelen); } free(send_buf); free(recv_buf); rb_destroy(rb); } static void discard(void) { char s[8] = "0123456"; char d[8]; int i; struct rb *rb; for (i = 0; i != 1; i++) { int flags; #if ENABLE_THREADS flags = i ? O_MULTITHREAD : 0; #else /* * yup, if ENABLE_THREADS is 0, same code will be executed twice... * it's not a bug, it's a feature! MORE TESTS NEVER HURT! */ flags = 0; #endif rb = rb_new(8, 1, 0); rb_write(rb, s, 6); mt_fail(rb_discard(rb, 3) == 3); rb_read(rb, d, 3); mt_fok(memcmp(d, "345", 3)); rb_clear(rb, 0); rb_write(rb, s, 6); rb_read(rb, d, 2); mt_fail(rb_discard(rb, 2) == 2); rb_read(rb, d, 2); mt_fok(memcmp(d, "45", 2)); rb_clear(rb, 0); /* overlap cases */ rb_write(rb, s, 7); rb_read(rb, d, 5); rb_write(rb, s, 5); mt_fail(rb_discard(rb, 3) == 3); rb_read(rb, d, 3); mt_fok(memcmp(d, "123", 3)); rb_clear(rb, 0); rb_write(rb, s, 7); rb_read(rb, d, 5); rb_write(rb, s, 5); mt_fail(rb_discard(rb, 2) == 2); rb_read(rb, d, 3); mt_fok(memcmp(d, "012", 3)); rb_clear(rb, 0); rb_write(rb, s, 7); rb_read(rb, d, 5); rb_write(rb, s, 5); mt_fail(rb_discard(rb, 4) == 4); rb_read(rb, d, 3); mt_fok(memcmp(d, "234", 3)); rb_clear(rb, 0); rb_write(rb, s, 3); mt_fail(rb_discard(rb, 10) == 3); rb_destroy(rb); } } static void count_and_space(void) { char d[4]; struct rb *rb; rb = rb_new(16, 1, 0); mt_fail(rb_space(rb) == 15); mt_fail(rb_count(rb) == 0); rb_write(rb, "123", 3); mt_fail(rb_space(rb) == 12); mt_fail(rb_count(rb) == 3); rb_write(rb, "1234567", 7); mt_fail(rb_space(rb) == 5); mt_fail(rb_count(rb) == 10); rb_read(rb, d, 4); mt_fail(rb_space(rb) == 9); mt_fail(rb_count(rb) == 6); rb_discard(rb, 5); mt_fail(rb_space(rb) == 14); mt_fail(rb_count(rb) == 1); rb_discard(rb, 999); mt_fail(rb_space(rb) == 15); mt_fail(rb_count(rb) == 0); rb_destroy(rb); } static void bad_count_value(void) { struct rb *rb; unsigned char rbs[10240]; rb = rb_new(6, 1, 0); mt_fail(errno == EINVAL); mt_fail(rb == NULL); rb = rb_init(6, 1, 0, rbs); mt_fail(errno == EINVAL); mt_fail(rb == NULL); } static void enomem(void) { struct rb *rb; rb = rb_new((size_t)1 << ((sizeof(size_t) * 8) - 1), 1, 0); mt_fail(errno = ENOMEM); mt_fail(rb == NULL); mt_ferr(rb_destroy(rb), EINVAL); } static void einval(void) { struct rb *rb; int v; unsigned char rbs[10240]; rb = rb_new(4, 1, 0); mt_ferr(rb_read(NULL, &v, 1), EINVAL); mt_ferr(rb_read(rb, NULL, 1), EINVAL); mt_ferr(rb_write(NULL, &v, 1), EINVAL); mt_ferr(rb_write(rb, NULL, 1), EINVAL); mt_ferr(rb_recv(NULL, &v, 1, 0), EINVAL); mt_ferr(rb_recv(rb, NULL, 1, 0), EINVAL); mt_ferr(rb_send(NULL, &v, 1, 0), EINVAL); mt_ferr(rb_send(rb, NULL, 1, 0), EINVAL); mt_ferr(rb_destroy(NULL), EINVAL); mt_ferr(rb_discard(NULL, 1), EINVAL); mt_ferr(rb_count(NULL), EINVAL); mt_ferr(rb_space(NULL), EINVAL); #if ENABLE_THREADS mt_ferr(rb_stop(NULL), EINVAL); #else mt_ferr(rb_stop(NULL), ENOSYS); #endif rb_destroy(rb); } static void stack_init(void) { struct msg { int a; int b; } m; unsigned char buf[rb_header_size() + 4 * sizeof(m)]; struct rb *rb; mt_assert(rb = rb_init(4, sizeof(m), 0, buf)); m.a = 1; m.b = 2; rb_write(rb, &m, 1); m.a = 4; m.b = 3; rb_write(rb, &m, 1); m.a = 8; m.b = 7; rb_write(rb, &m, 1); mt_fail(rb_space(rb) == 0); rb_read(rb, &m, 1); mt_fail(m.a == 1); mt_fail(m.b == 2); rb_read(rb, &m, 1); mt_fail(m.a == 4); mt_fail(m.b == 3); rb_read(rb, &m, 1); mt_fail(m.a == 8); mt_fail(m.b == 7); rb_cleanup(rb); #if ENABLE_THREADS mt_assert(rb = rb_init(4, sizeof(m), O_MULTITHREAD, buf)); m.a = 1; m.b = 2; rb_write(rb, &m, 1); m.a = 4; m.b = 3; rb_write(rb, &m, 1); m.a = 8; m.b = 7; rb_write(rb, &m, 1); mt_fail(rb_space(rb) == 0); rb_read(rb, &m, 1); mt_fail(m.a == 1); mt_fail(m.b == 2); rb_read(rb, &m, 1); mt_fail(m.a == 4); mt_fail(m.b == 3); rb_read(rb, &m, 1); mt_fail(m.a == 8); mt_fail(m.b == 7); rb_cleanup(rb); #endif } static void fd_write_single(void) { int fd; int i; int pos; char data[128]; char rdata[128]; struct rb *rb; /* * prepare file with some content to read into rb */ if ((fd = open("./rb-test-file", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644)) < 0) { perror("posix_read_single; prepare; open"); mt_assert(0); } for (i = 0; i != sizeof(data); ++i) { data[i] = rand() % 127; } write(fd, data, sizeof(data)); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); rb = rb_new(sizeof(data), sizeof(char), 0); /* * now let's read some data from fd to ring buffer */ mt_fail(rb_posix_write(rb, fd, 100) == 100); mt_fail(rb_read(rb, rdata, 100) == 100); mt_fail(memcmp(rdata, data, 100) == 0); mt_fail(rb_posix_write(rb, fd, 100) == 28); mt_fail(rb_read(rb, rdata, 100) == 28); mt_fail(memcmp(rdata, data + 100, 28) == 0); rb_destroy(rb); close(fd); } static void fd_write_single_overlap(void) { int fd; int i; int pos; unsigned char data[128]; unsigned char rdata[128]; struct rb *rb; /* * prepare file with some content to read into rb */ if ((fd = open("./rb-test-file", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644)) < 0) { perror("posix_read_single; prepare; open"); mt_assert(0); } for (i = 0; i != 128; ++i) { data[i] = rand(); } write(fd, data, sizeof(data)); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); rb = rb_new(16, 1, 0); /* * cause overlap condition */ mt_fail(rb_posix_write(rb, fd, 10) == 10); mt_fail(rb_read(rb, rdata, 10) == 10); /* * and check overlap set */ mt_fail(rb_posix_write(rb, fd, 15) == 15); mt_fail(rb_read(rb, rdata, 15) == 15); for (i = 0; i != 15; ++i) { mt_fail(data[i + 10] == rdata[i]); } rb_destroy(rb); close(fd); } static void fd_write_single_partial(void) { int fd; int i; int pos; char data[128]; char rdata[128]; struct rb *rb; /* * prepare file with some content to read into rb */ if ((fd = open("./rb-test-file", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644)) < 0) { perror("posix_read_single; prepare; open"); mt_assert(0); } for (i = 0; i != 128; ++i) { data[i] = rand() % 127; } write(fd, data, sizeof(data)); rb = rb_new(16, 1, 0); /* * partial read no overlap */ lseek(fd, 120, SEEK_SET); mt_fail(rb_posix_write(rb, fd, 15) == 8); mt_fail(rb_read(rb, rdata, 15) == 8); mt_fail(memcmp(rdata, data + 120, 8) == 0); /* * partial read with overlap */ lseek(fd, 118, SEEK_SET); mt_fail(rb_posix_write(rb, fd, 15) == 10); mt_fail(rb_read(rb, rdata, 15) == 10); mt_fail(memcmp(rdata, data + 118, 10) == 0); /* * partial read, overlap, with first read satisfied fully */ mt_fok(rb_clear(rb, 0)); lseek(fd, 113, SEEK_SET); mt_fail(rb_posix_write(rb, fd, 5) == 5); mt_fail(rb_discard(rb, 5) == 5); mt_fail(rb_posix_write(rb, fd, 15) == 10); mt_fail(rb_read(rb, rdata, 15) == 10); mt_fail(memcmp(rdata, data + 118, 10) == 0); close(fd); rb_destroy(rb); } static void fd_write_enosys(void) { struct rb *rb; rb = rb_new(16, 1, 0); mt_ferr(rb_posix_write(rb, 0, 1), ENOSYS); mt_ferr(rb_posix_send(rb, 0, 1, 0), ENOSYS); rb_destroy(rb); } static void fd_read_single(void) { struct rb *rb; int fd; int i; char data[128]; char rdata[128]; if ((fd = open("./rb-test-file", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644)) < 0) { perror("prepare; open"); mt_assert(0); } for (i = 0; i != 128; ++i) { data[i] = rand() % 127; } rb = rb_new(128, 1, 0); mt_fail(rb_write(rb, data, 100) == 100); mt_fail(rb_posix_read(rb, fd, 100) == 100); mt_fail(rb_write(rb, data + 100, 28) == 28); mt_fail(rb_posix_read(rb, fd, 28) == 28); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 128) == 128); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata, 128) == 0); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 1) == 0); rb_destroy(rb); close(fd); } static void fd_single_multibyte(void) { struct rb *rb; int fd; fd = 1; rb = rb_new(128, sizeof(int), 0); mt_ferr(rb_posix_write(rb, fd, 100), EINVAL); mt_ferr(rb_posix_read(rb, fd, 100), EINVAL); rb_destroy(rb); } static void fd_read_single_overlap(void) { struct rb *rb; int fd; int i; char data[128]; char rdata[128]; if ((fd = open("./rb-test-file", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644)) < 0) { perror("prepare; open"); mt_assert(0); } for (i = 0; i != 128; ++i) { data[i] = rand() % 127; } rb = rb_new(16, 1, 0); /* * cause overlap condition */ mt_fail(rb_write(rb, data, 10) == 10); mt_fail(rb_posix_read(rb, fd, 10) == 10); /* * and check overlap set */ mt_fail(rb_write(rb, data + 10, 15) == 15); mt_fail(rb_posix_read(rb, fd, 15) == 15); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 25) == 25); mt_fail(memcmp(rdata, data, 25) == 0); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 1) == 0); /* * another read to check rb is consistent */ mt_fail(rb_write(rb, data + 25, 15) == 15); mt_fail(rb_posix_read(rb, fd, 15) == 15); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 40) == 40); mt_fail(memcmp(rdata, data, 40) == 0); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 1) == 0); rb_destroy(rb); close(fd); } static void fd_read_single_partial(void) { struct rb *rb; int fd; int i; char data[128]; char rdata[128]; if ((fd = open("./rb-test-file", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644)) < 0) { perror("prepare; open"); mt_assert(0); } for (i = 0; i != 128; ++i) { data[i] = i; } rb = rb_new(16, 1, 0); /* * partial write no overlap */ mt_fail(rb_write(rb, data, 10) == 10); mt_fail(rb_posix_read(rb, fd, 15) == 10); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 20) == 10); mt_fail(memcmp(rdata, data, 10) == 0); /* * partial write with overlap */ mt_fail(rb_write(rb, data + 10, 15) == 15); mt_fail(rb_posix_read(rb, fd, 20) == 15); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 25) == 25); mt_fail(memcmp(rdata, data, 25) == 0); /* * partial write, overlap, with first write satisfied fully */ mt_fok(rb_clear(rb, 0)); mt_fail(rb_write(rb, data, 5) == 5); mt_fail(rb_discard(rb, 5) == 5); mt_fail(rb_write(rb, data + 25, 10) == 10); mt_fail(rb_posix_read(rb, fd, 15) == 10); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 35) == 35); mt_fail(memcmp(rdata, data, 35) == 0); rb_destroy(rb); close(fd); } static void fd_read_single_peek(void) { struct rb *rb; int fd; int i; char data[128]; char rdata[128]; if ((fd = open("./rb-test-file", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644)) < 0) { perror("prepare; open"); mt_assert(0); } for (i = 0; i != 128; ++i) { data[i] = rand() % 127; } rb = rb_new(32, 1, 0); mt_fail(rb_write(rb, data, 30) == 30); mt_fail(rb_posix_recv(rb, fd, 10, MSG_PEEK) == 10); mt_fail(rb_posix_recv(rb, fd, 10, MSG_PEEK) == 10); mt_fail(rb_posix_recv(rb, fd, 10, MSG_PEEK) == 10); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 30) == 30); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata, 10) == 0); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata + 10, 10) == 0); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata + 20, 10) == 0); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 1) == 0); mt_fail(rb_posix_recv(rb, fd, 40, MSG_PEEK) == 30); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 60) == 60); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata, 10) == 0); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata + 10, 10) == 0); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata + 20, 10) == 0); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata + 30, 30) == 0); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 1) == 0); mt_fail(rb_posix_recv(rb, fd, 10, MSG_PEEK) == 10); mt_fail(rb_posix_recv(rb, fd, 10, MSG_PEEK) == 10); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 80) == 80); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata, 10) == 0); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata + 10, 10) == 0); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata + 20, 10) == 0); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata + 30, 30) == 0); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata + 60, 10) == 0); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata + 70, 10) == 0); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 1) == 0); rb_destroy(rb); close(fd); } static void fd_read_single_peek_overlap(void) { struct rb *rb; int fd; int i; char data[128]; char rdata[128]; if ((fd = open("./rb-test-file", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644)) < 0) { perror("prepare; open"); mt_assert(0); } for (i = 0; i != 128; ++i) { data[i] = rand() % 127; } rb = rb_new(32, 1, 0); mt_fail(rb_write(rb, data, 16) == 16); mt_fail(rb_discard(rb, 16) == 16); mt_fail(rb_write(rb, data, 30) == 30); mt_fail(rb_posix_recv(rb, fd, 10, MSG_PEEK) == 10); mt_fail(rb_posix_recv(rb, fd, 10, MSG_PEEK) == 10); mt_fail(rb_posix_recv(rb, fd, 10, MSG_PEEK) == 10); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 30) == 30); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata, 10) == 0); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata + 10, 10) == 0); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata + 20, 10) == 0); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 1) == 0); mt_fail(rb_posix_recv(rb, fd, 40, MSG_PEEK) == 30); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 60) == 60); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata, 10) == 0); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata + 10, 10) == 0); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata + 20, 10) == 0); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata + 30, 30) == 0); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 1) == 0); mt_fail(rb_posix_recv(rb, fd, 10, MSG_PEEK) == 10); mt_fail(rb_posix_recv(rb, fd, 10, MSG_PEEK) == 10); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 80) == 80); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata, 10) == 0); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata + 10, 10) == 0); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata + 20, 10) == 0); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata + 30, 30) == 0); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata + 60, 10) == 0); mt_fail(memcmp(data, rdata + 70, 10) == 0); mt_fail(read(fd, rdata, 1) == 0); rb_destroy(rb); close(fd); } static void fd_read_enosys(void) { struct rb *rb; rb = rb_new(16, 1, 0); mt_ferr(rb_posix_read(rb, 0, 1), ENOSYS); mt_ferr(rb_posix_recv(rb, 0, 1, 0), ENOSYS); rb_destroy(rb); } int main(void) { srand(time(NULL)); //mt_return(); unsigned int t_rblen_max = 32; unsigned int t_readlen_max = 32; unsigned int t_writelen_max = 32; unsigned int t_objsize_max = 32; unsigned int t_num_producers_max = 8; unsigned int t_num_consumers_max = 8; char name[128]; #if ENABLE_THREADS for (t_num_consumers = 1; t_num_consumers <= t_num_consumers_max; t_num_consumers++) { for (t_num_producers = 1; t_num_producers <= t_num_producers_max; t_num_producers++) { sprintf(name, "multi_producers_consumers producers: %d " "consumers %d", t_num_producers, t_num_consumers); mt_run_named(multi_producers_consumers, name); # if ENABLE_POSIX_CALLS sprintf(name, "multi_file_consumer_producer: MULTI_CONSUMERS " "prod: %d, cons: %d", t_num_producers, t_num_consumers); multi = MULTI_CONSUMERS; mt_run_named(multi_file_consumer_producer, name); sprintf(name, "multi_file_consumer_producer: MULTI_PRODUCERS " "prod: %d, cons: %d", t_num_producers, t_num_consumers); multi = MULTI_PRODUCERS; mt_run_named(multi_file_consumer_producer, name); # endif } } #endif for (t_rblen = 2; t_rblen <= t_rblen_max; t_rblen *= 2) { for (t_readlen = 2; t_readlen <= t_readlen_max; t_readlen *= 2) { for (t_writelen = 2; t_writelen <= t_writelen_max; t_writelen *= 2) { for (t_objsize = 2; t_objsize <= t_objsize_max; t_objsize *= 2) { t_multi_test_type = TEST_BUFFER; #if ENABLE_THREADS sprintf(name, "multi_thread with buffer %3d, %3d, %3d, %3d", t_rblen, t_readlen, t_writelen, t_objsize); mt_run_named(multi_thread, name); #endif sprintf(name, "singl_thread with buffer %3d, %3d, %3d, %3d", t_rblen, t_readlen, t_writelen, t_objsize); mt_run_named(single_thread, name); } t_objsize = 1; #if ENABLE_POSIX_CALLS t_multi_test_type = TEST_FD_FILE; # if ENABLE_THREADS sprintf(name, "multi_thread with file %3d, %3d, %3d, %3d", t_rblen, t_readlen, t_writelen, t_objsize); mt_run_named(multi_thread, name); # endif sprintf(name, "singl_thread with file %3d, %3d, %3d, %3d", t_rblen, t_readlen, t_writelen, t_objsize); mt_run_named(single_thread, name); #endif } } } mt_run(peeking); mt_run(bad_count_value); mt_run(invalid_read_write); mt_run(multithread_flag); mt_run(nonblocking_flag); mt_run(singlethread_eagain); mt_run(discard); mt_run(count_and_space); mt_run(einval); /* mt_run(enomem); */ mt_run(stack_init); #if ENABLE_THREADS mt_run(multithread_eagain); #endif #if ENABLE_POSIX_CALLS mt_run(fd_write_single); mt_run(fd_write_single_overlap); mt_run(fd_write_single_partial); mt_run(fd_read_single); mt_run(fd_single_multibyte); mt_run(fd_read_single_overlap); mt_run(fd_read_single_partial); mt_run(fd_read_single_peek); mt_run(fd_read_single_peek_overlap); #else mt_run(fd_write_enosys); mt_run(fd_read_enosys); #endif #if ENABLE_THREADS && ENABLE_POSIX_CALLS mt_run(socket_disconnect); #endif unlink("./rb-test-file"); unlink("./rb-test-fifo"); mt_return(); }