diff options
authorMichał Łyszczek <michal.lyszczek@gmail.com>2017-05-16 21:00:58 +0200
committerMichał Łyszczek <michal.lyszczek@gmail.com>2017-05-16 21:00:58 +0200
commit6edb35fed6104382d72e4b2c11eaaff231b3b528 (patch)
First working version of mtest
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mtest.h b/mtest.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ab0307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtest.h
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+/* ==========================================================================
+ Licensed under BSD 2clause license. See LICENSE file for more information
+ Author: Michał Łyszczek <michal.lyszczek@bofc.pl>
+ ========================================================================== */
+/* ==== mtest version v0.0.1 ================================================ */
+/* ==== include files ======================================================= */
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* ==== private macros ====================================================== */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ all printf will be able to print back to stderr and stdout
+ ========================================================================== */
+#define mt_allow_print() \
+ freopen("/dev/tty", "w", stderr); \
+ freopen("/dev/tty", "w", stdout)
+/* ==========================================================================
+ when this macro is called, all printing to stderr and stdout will have no
+ effect. To reenable printing, call mt_allow_print
+ ========================================================================== */
+#define mt_disable_print() \
+ fclose(stderr); \
+ fclose(stdout)
+/* ==== public macros ======================================================= */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ macro with definitions, call this macro no more and no less than ONCE in
+ global scope. Its task is to define some variables used by mtest macros.
+ ========================================================================== */
+#define mt_defs() \
+ const char *mt_curr_test; \
+ int mt_fail_flag = 0; \
+ int mt_test_status; \
+ int mt_total_tests = 0; \
+ int mt_succed_tests = 0; \
+ int mt_total_asserts = 0; \
+ int mt_succed_asserts = 0
+/* ==========================================================================
+ macro runs test 'f'. 'f' is just a function (without parenthesis ()).
+ ========================================================================== */
+#define mt_run(f) do { \
+ mt_curr_test = #f; \
+ mt_test_status = 0; \
+ ++mt_total_tests; \
+ fprintf(stdout, "test %-71s", mt_curr_test); \
+ mt_disable_print(); \
+ f(); \
+ mt_allow_print(); \
+ if (mt_test_status != 0) \
+ fprintf(stdout, "[NK]\n"); \
+ else \
+ { \
+ fprintf(stdout, "[OK]\n"); \
+ ++mt_succed_tests; \
+ } } while(0)
+/* ==========================================================================
+ simple assert, when expression 'e' is evaluated to false, assert message
+ will be logged, and macro will force function to return
+ ========================================================================== */
+#define mt_assert(e) do { \
+ ++mt_total_asserts; \
+ if (!(e)) \
+ { \
+ mt_allow_print(); \
+ fprintf(stderr, "assert %d: %s, %s\n", __LINE__, mt_curr_test, #e); \
+ mt_disable_print(); \
+ mt_fail_flag = 1; \
+ mt_test_status = -1; \
+ return; \
+ } \
+ ++mt_succed_asserts; } while (0)
+/* ==========================================================================
+ same as mt_assert, but function is not forced to return, and test can
+ continue
+ ========================================================================== */
+#define mt_fail(e) do { \
+ ++mt_total_asserts; \
+ if (!(e)) \
+ { \
+ mt_allow_print(); \
+ fprintf(stderr, "assert %d: %s, %s\n", __LINE__, mt_curr_test, #e); \
+ mt_disable_print(); \
+ mt_fail_flag = 1; \
+ mt_test_status = -1; \
+ } else \
+ ++mt_succed_asserts; } while(0)
+/* ==========================================================================
+ prints tests summary and returns with 0 if all tests have passed, or -1
+ when at least one test has failed
+ ========================================================================== */
+#define mt_return() do { \
+ printf("summary: %d/%d tests passed, %d/%d asserts passed\n", \
+ mt_succed_tests, mt_total_tests, mt_succed_asserts, mt_total_asserts);\
+ return mt_fail_flag; } while(0)