path: root/include
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* nclude/embedlog.h.in: fix typoMichał Łyszczek2019-05-151-1/+1
* struct el: rename current_log to fcurrent_logMichał Łyszczek2019-05-151-1/+1
* struct el: rename written_after_sync to fwritten_after_syncMichał Łyszczek2019-05-151-1/+1
* struct el: rename file_sync_every to fsync_every for consistencyMichał Łyszczek2019-05-151-1/+1
* struct el: rename file_sync_level to fsync_level for consistencyMichał Łyszczek2019-05-151-1/+1
* Conditionally remove fields from "struct el" to save spaceMichał Łyszczek2019-05-152-5/+27
* add el_new and el_destroy functions for stable ABIstable-abiMichał Łyszczek2019-05-141-0/+3
* API change: rename "struct el_options" to "struct el"Michał Łyszczek2019-05-141-14/+14
* include: create embedlog.h.in and generate embedlog.h with itMichał Łyszczek2019-05-142-0/+3
* src/el-options: use static value of 0x7fff for EL_OUT_ALLMichał Łyszczek2019-05-131-1/+1
* include/embedlog.h: add static values to enumsMichał Łyszczek2019-05-131-43/+67
* el_flush(): add new function to force data from buffers to deviceinnogyMichał Łyszczek2019-03-291-0/+2
* src/el_options.c: add function to get global options objectMichał Łyszczek2019-03-281-0/+1
* embedlog.h: add user's pointer to el_custom_putsMichał Łyszczek2019-03-271-1/+2
* ABI/API change: add printing function name with logsMichał Łyszczek2019-03-011-54/+63
* API change: rename EL_FILE_SYNC_* to EL_FSYNC_* to be consistentMichał Łyszczek2019-02-231-2/+2
* add: option to print to stdoutMichał Łyszczek2018-12-051-7/+8
* add: printing memory without ascii tableMichał Łyszczek2018-11-231-0/+4
* fix: remove comma at the end of enum listMichał Łyszczek2018-10-111-1/+1
* fix compilation warningsMichał Łyszczek2018-04-201-6/+6
* add option to disable fractions of seconds in compile timeMichał Łyszczek2018-04-181-2/+12
* add: logging of binary dataMichał Łyszczek2018-04-171-1/+5
* add possibility to always sync do disc chosen log levelsMichał Łyszczek2018-04-151-0/+3
* limited log levels to 8 to save memoryMichał Łyszczek2018-04-151-1/+1
* moved static current_log to el_options structMichał Łyszczek2018-04-141-0/+1
* change EL_FNAME to more logical EL_FPATHMichał Łyszczek2018-04-141-1/+1
* packed el_options struct to save even 28bytes on each el_options object!Michał Łyszczek2018-04-131-9/+9
* add: option to *NOT* print new lines with each messageMichał Łyszczek2018-04-131-0/+2
* add: possibility to remove micro seconds from logMichał Łyszczek2018-04-121-0/+2
* add: shortcut macros for printing with custom optionsMichał Łyszczek2018-04-051-0/+18
* add: support for c++ folks (why would they use it anyway?)Michał Łyszczek2018-04-051-0/+7
* add: feature to print prefix with each messageMichał Łyszczek2018-03-281-0/+2
* fix: data loose on sudden power downMichał Łyszczek2018-03-271-0/+3
* fix: make clock optional (some RTOSes dont implement it)Michał Łyszczek2018-03-261-1/+1
* add: printing to tty (/dev/ttyS0) device directlyMichał Łyszczek2018-03-251-0/+2
* fix: use ifdef instead of if in include to silent WundefMichał Łyszczek2018-03-241-2/+2
* change: shortened option enums, who wants to type so much?Michał Łyszczek2018-01-231-29/+29
* Shortened EL_OPT_OUTPUT to EL_OPT_OUTMichał Łyszczek2017-11-271-1/+1
* Fix clang warningsMichał Łyszczek2017-11-261-2/+2
* Moved el_level_set and el_output_* to el_options to simplify codeMichał Łyszczek2017-11-231-13/+10
* Added printing to custom functionMichał Łyszczek2017-10-201-16/+20
* Refactored log levels (now there are 8 of them instead of 4)Michał Łyszczek2017-08-251-18/+30
* Moved level argument, so user can use 'ELD + n' syntaxMichał Łyszczek2017-08-241-16/+16
* Added cleanup functionsMichał Łyszczek2017-08-241-0/+2
* Added some additional helpful macrosMichał Łyszczek2017-08-231-27/+48
* Fixed validating of some optionsMichał Łyszczek2017-08-131-2/+6
* Added possibility to remove log level from printMichał Łyszczek2017-08-131-3/+6
* Added feature to print log to fileMichał Łyszczek2017-08-131-8/+22
* Changed struct options, to struct el_optionsMichał Łyszczek2017-08-111-11/+11
* Added el_pmemory to print nice memory buffer outputMichał Łyszczek2017-07-291-1/+3